8 comments on “Trees and an Old Windmill

  1. Wonderful, Beedie! Lovely photos. Had you not mention that the last photo is of a wildflower, I would have thought it was an over-sized dandelion. Haha.

    • Thank you Gracie! I’m glad you liked the photos and yes, I thought I should put a note up about the white wildflower that looks like a dandelion lol

    • I bet the wildflowers there are beautiful Mark. I think if I had of searched in February I would have found more. This year has been a very dry winter. What part of Missouri? My oldest son just moved from Branson to Flagstaff, Arizona. Thank you for stopping by :O)

      • I’m familiar with Branson. I used to live in SW Missouri near Joplin, and still have family there. Now I live in St Louis, which has slightly more fertile, less rocky soil and a bit more rain. It’s interesting to see the slight differences in plant species and blooming times between eastern and southwestern MO.

  2. I’m sorry about the drought and you’re right that dry spell would bring trouble with fires. Santa Ana winds would make it even worst! Nice pictures BD. I think that you’d get more subjects for photography if you go in direction of the ocean. 🙂

    • You’re right about that H.J. I have to stick close to the ocean for more exciting subjects. I have to say though, there was something in the solitude of the grassland that I found peaceful.

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